- [SIO-1751] - Fix slow tests and reenable nightly testing
- [SIO-1758] - Change scheduler policy to FIFO
- [SIO-1812] - Switch to oitimetool on szkopuł
- [SIO-1816] - Fix caching templates only when Debug=False
- [SIO-1817] - Implement contest dashboard
- [SIO-1819] - Tool for getting tasks without 100-points ModelSolution
- [SIO-1687] - Improve ranking caching
- [SIO-1760] - Django CPU profiling - fixes #1
- [SIO-1761] - Django CPU profiling - fixes #2
- [SIO-1766] - Ranking performance measurement
- [SIO-1770] - New UX for adding problems from problemset
- [SIO-1771] - Static Files Performance Analysis
- [SIO-1773] - DB optimization
- [SIO-1775] - Fixing the unknown
- [SIO-1815] - Create a site on which admins will be able to manage all submissions
- [SIO-1821] - Improve pupils/teachers view
New Feature
- [SIO-1753] - Create backup prototype
- [SIO-1757] - Install SSL on Szkopuł
- [SIO-1762] - Add SQL request count to tests
- [SIO-1763] - Setup external backup machine
- [SIO-1768] - Make backup production ready
- [SIO-1777] - Create tools for semi-automatic creation of problemset portal
- [SIO-1781] - Create convenient solution for connecting checker to sio2 instance
- [SIO-1787] - Implement new teachers interface
- [SIO-1790] - Global time & memory limits
- [SIO-1798] - Setting for running checkers in sandbox
- [SIO-1827] - Implement new problem settings
- [SIO-1828] - Implement teacher dashboard
- [SIO-1752] - Database usage analysis
- [SIO-1754] - Compare timelimits on main.edu.pl and oitimetool
- [SIO-1755] - Write load testing script
- [SIO-1756] - Django CPU profiling (setup)
- [SIO-1759] - Remove duplicate files on szkopul
- [SIO-1765] - Check if there are no unnecessary HTTP requests
- [SIO-1767] - Update limits in problemset for oitimetool
- [SIO-1772] - Check if and how can we run shared sioworkers
- [SIO-1774] - Backup and restore Szkopul
- [SIO-1776] - Turn off downloading problems from Main on Szkopuł
- [SIO-1778] - Contact teachers
- [SIO-1779] - Connect different instances of sio2 to common checkers
- [SIO-1782] - Identify all tasks that teachers can do
- [SIO-1783] - Identify stories for all tasks that teachers can do
- [SIO-1784] - Check whether a user can be a teacher in certain contests while being a normal participant in others
- [SIO-1786] - Design new teachers interface
- [SIO-1791] - Check if package uploading is safe
- [SIO-1797] - Check for anomalies in szkopuł/oitimetool running times
- [SIO-1801] - Teachers landing page mockup
- [SIO-1802] - Contest landing page mockup
- [SIO-1803] - Mockup for creating a contest
- [SIO-1804] - Contest settings mockup
- [SIO-1805] - Mockup for adding tasks
- [SIO-1806] - Task settings mockup
- [SIO-1807] - Mockup for adding teachers & contestants to a contest
- [SIO-1808] - Submissions list mockup
- [SIO-1810] - Report printing mockup
- [SIO-1788] - Check whether link allowing to join a contest as a teacher differs from the one allowing user to join as a regular user
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