Atlassian JIRA v6.1
License Information
Copyright © 2002 - 2013 Atlassian Corporation Pty Ltd.
The use of this product is subject to the terms of the Atlassian End User Agreement, unless other specified therein.
This product includes software developed by the Apache Software Foundation.
This product also includes the following libraries which are covered by the GNU LGPL license:
- amf-serializer (com.exadel.flamingo.flex:amf-serializer:jar:2.2.0)
- atlassian-image-consumer (com.atlassian.image:atlassian-image-consumer:jar:1.0.1)
- carol (carol:carol:jar:1.5.2)
- carol-properties (carol:carol-properties:jar:1.5.2)
- Core - API (net.sourceforge.jwebunit:jwebunit-core:jar:2.3)
- Core - API (net.sourceforge.jwebunit:jwebunit-core:jar:3.1)
- CSS Parser (net.sourceforge.cssparser:cssparser:jar:0.9.5)
- CSS Parser (net.sourceforge.cssparser:cssparser:jar:0.9.8)
- datafile (datafile:datafile:jar:1.3.3)
- dbUnit Extension (org.dbunit:dbunit:jar:2.4.9)
- FindBugs-Annotations (
- flamingo-service-spring (com.exadel.flamingo:flamingo-service-spring:jar:2.2.0)
- HtmlUnit Plugin (net.sourceforge.jwebunit:jwebunit-htmlunit-plugin:jar:2.3)
- HtmlUnit Plugin (net.sourceforge.jwebunit:jwebunit-htmlunit-plugin:jar:3.1)
- image4j (org.jclarion:image4j:jar:0.7)
- Java Native Access Platform (
- Java Native Access (
- Java Native Access (
- Java Native Access (
- Javassist (javassist:javassist:jar:3.12.0.GA)
- JCaptcha (com.octo.captcha:jcaptcha-api:jar:2.0-alpha-1)
- JCaptcha (com.octo.captcha:jcaptcha:jar:2.0-alpha-1)
- jcommon (jfree:jcommon:jar:1.0.8)
- jfreechart (jfree:jfreechart:jar:1.0.13)
- JSCalendar (1.0)
- jsr305 (net.sourceforge.findbugs:jsr305:jar:1.3.2)
- jStyleParser (3.0)
- jwebunit 1.2 atlassian patch (net.sourceforge.jwebunit:jwebunit:jar:1.2-atlassian-3)
- xapool (xapool:xapool:jar:1.3.1)
This product also includes code written by other third parties.
Additional details regarding these and other third party code included in this product, including applicable copyright, legal and licensing notices, are available in the "licenses" directory under the JIRA installation directory.
The following plugins may also include libraries under their own licenses.
JIRA Agile
Copyright © 2002 - 2013 Atlassian Corporation Pty Ltd.
The use of this plugin is subject to the terms of the Atlassian End User Agreement, unless other specified therein.
This plugin includes software developed by the Apache Software Foundation.
This plugin also includes code written by other third parties.
Additional details regarding these and other third party code included in this plugin, including applicable copyright, legal and licensing notices, are available in the "licenses" directory inside the plugin.