Release Notes - The SIO2 project - Version TAG 2014/15 - HTML format


  • [SIO-1266] - Grappelli 2.4.5 breaks menu and navbar in admin
  • [SIO-1338] - Misspelled text in Polish translation (root page, fresh install)
  • [SIO-1467] - Login screen: no error message when wrong password
  • [SIO-1496] - PL translation: "Magdalena Szarkowska właśnie zadał pytanie" (in new question notification email)
  • [SIO-1543] - user is unable to unregister and delete profile but is able to remove his email
  • [SIO-1550] - PA: Unintuitive form for contest registration
  • [SIO-1552] - It should be possible for a contest admin to delete constexcl
  • [SIO-1553] - Contest admins should have more delete permissions
  • [SIO-1578] - "Forbidden" when a contest admin tries to download in or out file in the report view
  • [SIO-1581] - Improve documentation on installing lessc/node
  • [SIO-1582] - lessc: NameError: #grid > .core > .span is undefined


  • [SIO-1320] - Submission confirmations: emails should have Reply-to:
  • [SIO-1477] - submitsqueue: Make celery_task_id clickable, hide it to contest_admins
  • [SIO-1524] - Contestlogo should be hidden before the menu is hidden on short screens
  • [SIO-1577] - Use Python version of lessc
  • [SIO-1580] - Support Django 1.7
  • [SIO-1584] - Switch to a JSON based serializer for serializing sessions
  • [SIO-1587] - "Permission Denied" when doing "su" from an admin-only page
  • [SIO-1588] - Allow for user registration without mail confirmation
  • [SIO-1647] - Modify evalmgr for sioworkersd
  • [SIO-1648] - sioworkersd - task execution & async API
  • [SIO-1650] - Edit controllers to enable sending submissions without contest
  • [SIO-1651] - Enable sending submissions to main_problem_instance. Write submission form.

New Feature

  • [SIO-1217] - Testrun: sending large input in compressed archive or compress automatically on server
  • [SIO-1344] - Support Django 1.6
  • [SIO-1542] - Rankings: search for users, including "find my place"
  • [SIO-1544] - statistics: most important chart for jury -- "points vs test" for a problem
  • [SIO-1566] - Ranking headers should be links to problem statements
  • [SIO-1615] - Create CMS node hierarchy with editing facilities
  • [SIO-1616] - Global problem sites.
  • [SIO-1617] - Friends API
  • [SIO-1618] - CMS: Markdown Panel/Widget Rendering API with basic widgets
  • [SIO-1619] - Experience API
  • [SIO-1620] - Experience IMPL
  • [SIO-1621] - Assign "Test" to "ProblemInstance" instead of "Problem"
  • [SIO-1623] - Code Sharing API
  • [SIO-1624] - Extending Preferences / Profile panel
  • [SIO-1625] - Code Sharing IMPL
  • [SIO-1626] - Task Suggestion Controller
  • [SIO-1627] - Friends IMPL
  • [SIO-1628] - Suggestion Controller IMPL
  • [SIO-1629] - Create template for ProblemSet site.
  • [SIO-1630] - Profile GUI
  • [SIO-1631] - Task Suggestion GUI
  • [SIO-1632] - Friends GUI
  • [SIO-1633] - Friends notifications
  • [SIO-1634] - Code sharing GUI
  • [SIO-1635] - Submissions - Gamification GUI
  • [SIO-1636] - Miniprofile GUI
  • [SIO-1637] - Callbacks to actually add experience -> to submission, rejudge and stuff
  • [SIO-1638] - Task Adding GUI - Gamification
  • [SIO-1639] - Tags in task db connection (so we can see hard / medium / easy per task)
  • [SIO-1640] - CMS connection (showing percentage completed)
  • [SIO-1641] - Contest-free side of SIO2.
  • [SIO-1642] - sioworkersd - basic implementation & protocol
  • [SIO-1643] - Replace sio.celery in sioworkers with new protocol
  • [SIO-1644] - Admin page for managing workers
  • [SIO-1646] - Create navigation for the user portals
  • [SIO-1652] - Extending Experience API
  • [SIO-1654] - Global portals

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