Change oioioi~master~I3a0e734ef955cecd1580a139780a995c6e565ef6, patchset 2
SIO-2314) Make algorithm tags translatable
Algorithm tags can be translated into multiple languages.
Algorithm tag hints mechanism searches for all names containing
given string in all languages.
Refactors some of the methods returning tag hints (DRY).
Changed single quotes to double quotes in strings displayed
to the user.
Make searching for existing tags containing typed string case
insensitive (JavaScript).
Change-Id: I3a0e734ef955cecd1580a139780a995c6e565ef6
SIO-2314) Make algorithm tags translatableAlgorithm tags can be translated into multiple languages.
Algorithm tag hints mechanism searches for all names containing
given string in all languages.
Refactors some of the methods returning tag hints (DRY).
Change-Id: I3a0e734ef955cecd1580a139780a995c6e565ef6