Uploading package with API does not work.
Steps to reproduce:
curl -v \
--form contest_id=contest-id\
--form round_name=round-name \
--form package_file=@/path/to/file/ \
--header 'Authorization: Token XXX-XXX-XXX-XXX' \
Error code: 403
Returned JSON: `{"message":"Permission denied."}`
Tested on SIO and Szkopuł by different users with permissions.
PS (to person fixing)
It would be nice, if uploading packed would return problem_id needed by package_reupload, if that doesn't now.
Steps to reproduce:
curl -v \
--form contest_id=contest-id\
--form round_name=round-name \
--form package_file=@/path/to/file/ \
--header 'Authorization: Token XXX-XXX-XXX-XXX' \
Error code: 403
Returned JSON: `{"message":"Permission denied."}`
Tested on SIO and Szkopuł by different users with permissions.
PS (to person fixing)
It would be nice, if uploading packed would return problem_id needed by package_reupload, if that doesn't now.
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