The SIO2 project
  1. The SIO2 project
  2. SIO-2337

[UI] "Add to contest" button is unnaturally placed in problemset



      In problemset, in problems list, there is an "add to contest" button. When we enter a specific problem, there is no such button anymore. To find it, we need to enter settings, and then, on the left side (in the opposite to other action buttons, which are places to the right), we find a subwindow with the desired action. We could make this button separate, and more reachable.

      One of the ideas is in the tabs bar (settings, private key, ect.) add an additional tab-button, aligned to right and visible ad a button (just as in problem list in problemset)

        Issue Links


          Stanisław Strzelecki made changes -
          Field Original Value New Value
          Link This issue is related to SIO-2291 [ SIO-2291 ]
          Stanisław Strzelecki made changes -
          Link This issue is related to SIO-2339 [ SIO-2339 ]
          Stanisław Strzelecki made changes -
          Link This issue relates to SIO-2339 [ SIO-2339 ]
          Stanisław Strzelecki made changes -
          Link This issue relates to SIO-2339 [ SIO-2339 ]
          Stanisław Strzelecki made changes -
          Link This issue relates to SIO-2291 [ SIO-2291 ]
          Stanisław Strzelecki made changes -
          Link This issue is related to SIO-2291 [ SIO-2291 ]
          Stanisław Strzelecki made changes -
          Summary [UI] W problemsecie, przycisk "dodaj do konkursu" jest nienaturalnie ułożony [UI] "Add to contest" button is unnaturally placed in problemset
          Stanisław Strzelecki made changes -
          Description W problemsecie, w liście problemów znajduje się przycisk "dodaj do konkursu". Gdy jednak wejdziemy do problemu, guzik znika. By go znaleźć, trzeba wejść w ustawienia i tam po lewej stronie (w przeciwieństwie do pozostałych akcji, które są po prawej), znajdujemy podokno z tą akcją.
          Można zrobić to bardziej dostępne, naturalne.
          Jednym z pomysłów jest w zakładkach (ustawienia, klucz zadania, treść, itp) dodać dodatkową zakładkę, wyróżniającą się wyglądem i wyjustowaną do prawej, będącą guzikiem "dodaj do konkursu", takim, jak jest w liście zadań w problemsecie.

          In problemset, in problems list, there is an "add to contest" button. When we enter a specific problem, there is no such button anymore. To find it, we need to enter settings, and then, on the left side (in the opposite to other action buttons, which are places to the right), we find a subwindow with the desired action. We could make this button separate, and more reachable.

          One of the ideas is in the tabs bar (settings, private key, ect.) add an additional tab-button, aligned to right and visible ad a button (just as in problem list in problemset)
          Przemysław Podleśny made changes -
          Assignee Przemysław Podleśny [ hayven ]
          Gerrit Gerrit added a comment -
          Change oioioi~master~If4374123c7b529e2317b7a96cefc475782cd603f, patchset 1

          (SIO-2337) Fixed 'Add to contest' tab in contest view

          Change-Id: If4374123c7b529e2317b7a96cefc475782cd603f
          Gerrit Gerrit added a comment - Change oioioi~master~If4374123c7b529e2317b7a96cefc475782cd603f, patchset 1 ( SIO-2337 ) Fixed 'Add to contest' tab in contest view Change-Id: If4374123c7b529e2317b7a96cefc475782cd603f
          Przemysław Podleśny made changes -
          Status New [ 10000 ] Resolved [ 5 ]
          Assignee Przemysław Podleśny [ hayven ] Wojciech Dubiel [ wolf480 ]
          Resolution Fixed [ 1 ]
          Transition Time In Source Status Execution Times Last Executer Last Execution Date
          New New Resolved Resolved
          266d 21h 19m 1 Przemysław Podleśny 2020-12-9 14:14


            • Assignee:
              Wojciech Dubiel
              Stanisław Strzelecki
            • Votes:
              0 Vote for this issue
              2 Start watching this issue


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