The SIO2 project
  1. The SIO2 project
  2. SIO-2274

Quizzes improvements for the Junior Olympiad in Informatics


    • Type: Improvement Improvement
    • Status: Resolved Resolved
    • Priority: Major Major
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • Affects Version/s: Current Version
    • Fix Version/s: For the OI Team
    • Component/s: OIOIOI
    • Labels:


      For the Junior Olympiad in Informatics, we would like to use the quizzes module, but we need some more features:
      - ability to add pictures and math equations in questions and answers,
      - contestants should be able to type their own answer (a single integer or a word)
      - add the possibility to differ scoring within one question (for example, there might be an answer worth 1 point, and another answer worth two points)
      - we would like to have the following workflow:
      -- teacher add a set of questions categorized into several categories
      -- contestant can prepare for a quiz, they can generate practice quizzes, the quiz should contain random questions from different categories (for example 10 algorithmic questions and 10 programming questions)
      -- finally, they should be able to take a rated quiz, which should be scored.


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          • Assignee:
            Wojciech Dubiel
            Bartosz Kostka
          • Votes:
            0 Vote for this issue
            2 Start watching this issue


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