The SIO2 project
  1. The SIO2 project
  2. SIO-2029

Copying values using "shift+enter" in the tests view is not working anymore.


    • Type: Bug Bug
    • Status: Closed Closed
    • Priority: Major Major
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • Affects Version/s: Current Version
    • Fix Version/s: Current Version
    • Component/s: OIOIOI
    • Labels:


      Please try to copy value using 'shift+enter' as the description says:


        Szymon Acedański made changes -
        Field Original Value New Value
        Labels tag1
        Olaf Łobożewicz made changes -
        TAG Developer Olaf Łobożewicz [ olaf ]
        Olaf Łobożewicz made changes -
        Assignee Olaf Łobożewicz [ olaf ]
        Gerrit Gerrit added a comment -
        Change oioioi~master~I6783ee16af90d1c68b6267bbe94fc33aecaadf02, patchset 1

        SIO-2029 Copying values using "shift+enter" in the tests view.

        Change-Id: I6783ee16af90d1c68b6267bbe94fc33aecaadf02
        Gerrit Gerrit added a comment - Change oioioi~master~I6783ee16af90d1c68b6267bbe94fc33aecaadf02, patchset 1 SIO-2029 Copying values using "shift+enter" in the tests view. Change-Id: I6783ee16af90d1c68b6267bbe94fc33aecaadf02
        Olaf Łobożewicz made changes -
        Status New [ 10000 ] Open [ 1 ]
        Olaf Łobożewicz made changes -
        Status Open [ 1 ] In Progress [ 3 ]
        Olaf Łobożewicz made changes -
        Status In Progress [ 3 ] Resolved [ 5 ]
        Assignee Olaf Łobożewicz [ olaf ] Szymon Acedański [ accek ]
        Resolution Fixed [ 1 ]
        Szymon Acedański made changes -
        Status Resolved [ 5 ] Closed [ 6 ]
        Wojciech Dubiel added a comment -
        It broke again
        Wojciech Dubiel added a comment - It broke again
        Wojciech Dubiel made changes -
        Resolution Fixed [ 1 ]
        Status Closed [ 6 ] Reopened [ 4 ]
        Assignee Szymon Acedański [ accek ] Wojciech Dubiel [ wolf480 ]
        Gerrit Gerrit added a comment -
        Change oioioi~master~If3dc801547a00ddfd75753a93c8a1d3d5733b706, patchset 1

        SIO-2029 Fix shift+enter copying in test editing view

        When editing test limits and scores in a probleminstance,
        shift+enter is supposed to copy the value from the current field
        into all subsequent fields in the same column.

        It broke again, when the inputs' type changed to number,
        which means jQuery's input:text selector no longer finds them.
        Fix this by explicitly matching the right type of input.

        Change-Id: If3dc801547a00ddfd75753a93c8a1d3d5733b706
        Gerrit Gerrit added a comment - Change oioioi~master~If3dc801547a00ddfd75753a93c8a1d3d5733b706, patchset 1 SIO-2029 Fix shift+enter copying in test editing view When editing test limits and scores in a probleminstance, shift+enter is supposed to copy the value from the current field into all subsequent fields in the same column. It broke again, when the inputs' type changed to number, which means jQuery's input:text selector no longer finds them. Fix this by explicitly matching the right type of input. Change-Id: If3dc801547a00ddfd75753a93c8a1d3d5733b706
        Wojciech Dubiel made changes -
        Status Reopened [ 4 ] Resolved [ 5 ]
        Fix Version/s Current Version [ 11000 ]
        Resolution Fixed [ 1 ]
        Wojciech Dubiel made changes -
        Status Resolved [ 5 ] Closed [ 6 ]
        Transition Time In Source Status Execution Times Last Executer Last Execution Date
        New New Open Open
        51d 10h 25m 1 Olaf Łobożewicz 2017-12-6 6:32
        Open Open In Progress In Progress
        2s 1 Olaf Łobożewicz 2017-12-6 6:32
        In Progress In Progress Resolved Resolved
        14d 14h 5m 1 Olaf Łobożewicz 2017-12-20 20:38
        Closed Closed Reopened Reopened
        582d 16h 1m 1 Wojciech Dubiel 2020-10-29 8:39
        Reopened Reopened Resolved Resolved
        3h 7m 1 Wojciech Dubiel 2020-10-29 11:47
        Resolved Resolved Closed Closed
        497d 4m 2 Wojciech Dubiel 2020-12-4 15:51


          • Assignee:
            Wojciech Dubiel
            Bartosz Kostka
            TAG Developer:
            Olaf Łobożewicz
          • Votes:
            0 Vote for this issue
            3 Start watching this issue


            • Created: