New Feature
Resolution: Obsolete
Affects Version/s: Far Future
Fix Version/s: Far Future
Component/s: OIOIOI
Sometimes we would like to "close" the contest, that nobody could ask a question, submit a program or write on a forum. Whatsmore.. Admin should not be able to add/delete a problem, rejudge the submission or answer a question.
Only the superadmins should be able to change this setting back to rw-mode.
Hmm... maybe even we would like sometimes to completely hide the past contest? Think about three modes: rw, ro, superadmins-only.
Only the superadmins should be able to change this setting back to rw-mode.
Hmm... maybe even we would like sometimes to completely hide the past contest? Think about three modes: rw, ro, superadmins-only.
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